Max msp sequencer
Max msp sequencer

max msp sequencer

Looping on will make those pink lines brighter). The "Loop" checkbox turns looping on and off (turning Points of the loop, which are represented on the display by the pink

max msp sequencer

The "Loop Begin" and "Loop End" number boxes set the start and end (the time scaling is explained in more detail here ). Number of milliseconds in one measure of a song in 4/4 time at 120 bpm

max msp sequencer

This number box scales the time according to the Line) to different parts of the song by moving the "Clock Time MS" You can move the timeline of the sequencer clock (the light blue "Pause", depending on whether the sequencer is paused or playing. The Play/Pause button (it changes from "Play" to Simple DAW type playback interface, without all the cool editingĬapabilities. Here is very straightforward - at this point Rearrange is a really Once the song file is loaded, you're ready to play! The operation The same format as the absolute path in the function above ( ie, make sure that you have all the forward slashes you need, from beginning to end). Name of the song file in the relative path open file box, and it will When this has been changed, you can simply enter the Simply change the line within quotes to the path where your song file (and its associated MIDI files, again explained here) Var f = new File("/Users/seanbratnober/CCRMA/220c/Rearrange/midi_files/" + s)

max msp sequencer

ReadfileRelativePath within the file rearrange_ui.js, which is inside The relativeįile path is hardcoded in the first line of the function The text that you want, without any whitespace). Of these, simply type the path you want in the appropriate box, andĬlick the bang next to that box (make sure the text in the box has ONLY Relative path file open box in the patch. Opens specially formatted text files in the format I defined for theįiles can be opened using the absolute path file open box or the The operation of the sequencer is straightforward. Involves using these Max objects to send control messages to the jit.rearrange external, which in turn sends control messages to display objects and MIDI output, and so on.


The whole functionality of the patch essentially Interface/control/display stuff was implemented with Max/MSP/Jitter Jit.rearrange~ external object which I programmed. Most of the functionality of the patch is contained within the Platform for flexible musical arrangements, that can be arranged and I called the sequencer Rearrange because I want it to be a Read and play a song with MIDI using a file format that I developed. This quarter, but I was able to implement a basic sequencer that can The scope of this project was too big for me to be able to get that far Where the third dimension represents every possible piece of music thatĬan be peformed by a track at any point in time. = time, vertical axis = tracks/instruments) to three dimensions, I am designing and implementing an arrangement interface thatĮxpands the two dimensions of arrangment found in DAWs (horizontal axis Interactive ways to bring algorithmic composition methods to the The realm of DAWs, to give composers and performers new flexible, Essentially, I want toīring the functionality of a Music V type programming environment (like Max/MSP and Pd) to With the arrangment paradigm found in digital audio workstations (DAWs) My goal is to make a sequencer environment that bridges theĪrrangement paradigm of Max/MSP/Jitter (and possibly Pd, in the future) For my project I built a (semi) interactive sequencer for Max/MSP.

Max msp sequencer